why you need a facial

I am SO excited to share my first blog with you! I hope you find the information to be informative, fun, and useful! 

As long as I can remember, I’ve had an interest in skincare. In my early 20s, I developed adult acne and spent not only years, but thousands of dollars looking for a solution. I tried nutrition, elimination diets, dermatologists, and countless skin care regimens with no solid solution. This, along with my lifelong interest in skin care, ultimately lead me to pursue an education in Esthetics.  

After my youngest daughter entered High School, and I found myself time again, I took my interest in skincare to the next level and became an Esthetician. After working at MedSpa for several years, I had the opportunity to open a cozy spa of my own. I am so excited to share with you my love for skincare and what I have learned!

I can’t wait to see you at Glow Skincare & Wax soon, and in the meantime, I hope you enjoy my blog and learn a few things about how to reveal and maintain a healthy glow!
In this blog post, I will touch on some of the basics regarding why facials are beneficial. In future posts, I will go into more depth on each element introduced here.

What are the benefits of getting regular professional facials?

As your skin cells renew, older dead skin cells accumulate on the surface of the skin. Even with a daily skincare routine, this dead skin just sits on top of live healthy skin and can trigger acne, cause redness and dryness, make skin look dull, exaggerate fine lines and wrinkles, and reduces the effectiveness of the products that you use. 

A facial is a multi-step skin treatment that cleanses, exfoliates, hydrates, and nourishes the skin, which in turn promotes clear, well-hydrated healthy glowing skin. Just like any part of your skincare routine, facials are best when they’re done consistently.
Facials at Glow Skincare & Wax are customized to your skin needs and are targeted to relieve, improve, and prevent these common skin concerns. 

All facials at Glow Skincare & Wax are designed to:

Address Common Skin IssuesMany clients have specific skin issues they are seeking to address. 

  • Hyperpigmentation/Discoloration

  • Acne

  • Redness and Sensitivity

  • Dull Dry Skin

  • Aging Skin

Provide Stress ReleaseA facial at Glow Skincare & Wax is a moment in your busy day where the focus is entirely on you! It’s a time for you to relax, clear your mind, recharge, and re-focus. While facials provide many tangible benefits, like those listed above, one of the intangible benefits of facials is a few blissful moments in a luxurious stress-free environment where your only job is to relax and enjoy some much-needed pampering.
Increase confidence when you look good, you feel good—and it shows! Facials alleviate many common skin issues that can decrease confidence in clients. At Glow Skincare & Wax, I work with clients to help them achieve their skin care goals so that they look and feel their absolute best.

Educate Our ClientsWhen you receive services at Glow Skincare & Wax you will be given professional advice for YOUR skin! Why get a facial if you aren’t also being educated on how to properly care for your skin outside of the spa? This includes which products will work best for your skin type and how to care for your skin at home to maintain the results achieved during your facial.

I can’t wait to help you get healthy glowing skin! 

P.S. Look for future blog posts where I dive into even more specific skin issues, causes, and treatments for Hyperpigmentation/Discoloration, Acne (acne sucks!), Redness and Sensitivity, Dull Dry Skin, and Aging Skin in future blog posts!


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